Embrace the Seasons: Navigating Threats with Natural Solutions from doTERRA

As the seasons change, so do the threats to our health and well-being. With seasonal threats, symptoms, and sensitivities constantly coming at us from one direction or another, our bodies can face a barrage of challenges. While this can feel overwhelming at times, especially on how we should go about treating these issues, it is comforting to know that nature has provided us with some powerful allies to assist us in strengthening our immune system and combatting the various annoying symptoms we may face this time of year. 

From itchy, swollen eyes to runny or stuffy noses, to difficulty breathing and countless other drains to our well-being, doTERRA has an incredibly pure and natural arsenal to draw from bringing us comfort as we work to regulate histamine in our bodies and alleviating the various symptoms and seasonal challenges we face. The change of seasons should be a time of inspiration, growth, and change. With their pure and natural approach, doTERRA’s essential oil-based products offer effective solutions to support our bodies no matter what threats, symptoms, or sensitivities we may be facing any season of the year.

Breathe Essential Oil: Breath Easy, Naturally

As the seasons shift and pollen fills the air, finding relief from congestion and discomfort becomes paramount. Enter Breathe essential oil, a harmonious blend meticulously crafted by doTERRA to combat seasonal threats and support respiratory wellness. This synergistic fusion of Laurel Leaf, Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Melaleuca, Lemon, Ravensara, and Cardamom doesn't just offer a pleasing aroma; it serves as a potent ally in promoting clear airways and effortless breathing.

At the core of Breathe essential oil lies Eucalyptus, renowned for its ability to open up air passages and ease respiratory distress. Coupled with Peppermint's invigorating freshness and the purifying properties of Melaleuca and Lemon, this blend offers a multi-faceted approach to respiratory support. Meanwhile, the gentle warmth of Cardamom and the soothing qualities of Laurel Leaf and Ravensara create a comforting atmosphere, providing relief from the discomfort associated with seasonal sensitivities.

Whether diffused throughout your home to purify the air or applied topically to the chest and throat for direct relief, Breathe essential oil proves its versatility and efficacy time and again. Its aromatic profile not only refreshes the senses but also promotes feelings of clarity and vitality, allowing you to face the day with renewed energy and resilience.

During changes in the seasons, Breathe oil emerges as an indispensable companion, offering a holistic solution to respiratory challenges. Embrace the natural power of essential oils and breathe easy, knowing that relief is just a drop away.

Clear Airways, soothing, easy breathing

Breathe Touch

TriEase Softgels: Nature's Answer to Seasonal Allergies

Another indispensable companion, as we embrace the beauty of the changing seasons, is doTERRA's TriEase Softgels. Crafted with a proprietary blend of Lemon, Lavender, and Peppermint essential oils, TriEase offers a holistic approach to combating seasonal threats, helping to alleviate symptoms and sensitivities, allowing you to reclaim the joy of the season.

At the heart of TriEase lies Lemon essential oil, celebrated for its cleansing properties that support a healthy immune response. Lavender, known for its calming and soothing effects, adds a touch of tranquility to the formula, helping to ease discomfort and promote overall well-being. Meanwhile, Peppermint's invigorating aroma not only refreshes the senses but also helps to clear congestion and promote clear breathing.

Taken regularly as part of your wellness routine, TriEase Softgels becomes a powerful ally in the fight against seasonal threats. By supporting a healthy inflammatory response, TriEase helps to mitigate the body's reaction to pollen and other irritants, reducing the severity of symptoms and allowing you to embrace each season with confidence and comfort.

TriEase Softgels offer a convenient and effective way to experience the benefits of essential oils internally, providing targeted support exactly where it's needed most. Say goodbye to the discomfort of seasonal allergies and hello to the beauty of every season, with TriEase by your side. It's time to breathe freely and enjoy life to the fullest, without the burden of seasonal symptoms holding you back.

Healthy Inflammatory and Respiratory Response

TriEase Softgels

Copaiba Softgels: Nature's Soothing Support

Another natural remedy you want by your side during these seasonal changes is Copaiba Softgels. Copaiba essential oil stands out for its remarkable soothing properties, offering a gentle yet effective solution for seasonal sensitivities. With Copaiba Softgels from doTERRA, experiencing the benefits of this exceptional oil internally has never been easier.

Derived from the resin of the Copaiba tree, Copaiba essential oil has long been cherished for its ability to promote overall wellness and alleviate discomfort. Now, with Copaiba Softgels, you can harness the power of this precious oil in a convenient and accessible form.

At the core of Copaiba's therapeutic effects lies its ability to support the body's natural response to inflammation. Inflammation is the body's natural defense mechanism against external threats, but when it becomes chronic or excessive, it can lead to discomfort and other health issues. Copaiba Softgels work harmoniously with the body to help modulate inflammatory pathways, promoting balance and restoring a sense of well-being.

By alleviating discomfort associated with seasonal sensitivities, Copaiba Softgels empower you to embrace each season with ease and grace. Whether you're navigating the pollen-filled air of spring or the chilly winds of winter, Copaiba Softgels provide reliable support, allowing you to fully enjoy the beauty of every season.

Moreover, Copaiba Softgels offer a host of additional benefits beyond seasonal wellness. From promoting cardiovascular health to supporting the nervous system, Copaiba essential oil boasts a wide range of therapeutic properties that contribute to overall vitality and longevity.

With Copaiba Softgels, you can experience the transformative power of Copaiba essential oil from the inside out. Say goodbye to discomfort and hello to a life of balance, vitality, and well-being. Embrace each season with confidence, knowing that nature has provided you with the tools you need to thrive.

Support nervouse, cardiovascular, immune, digestive, and respiratory systems

Copaiba Softgels

Mito2Max: Energize Your Body, Elevate Your Life

As the seasons shift and our bodies adjust to changing environmental conditions, it's not uncommon to experience fluctuations in energy levels. Whether it's the lethargy of winter or the fatigue brought on by seasonal symptoms in spring, our vitality can take a hit. Enter Mito2Max from the metaPWR System, a cutting-edge formula designed to support healthy mitochondrial function and revitalize cellular energy production.

Mitochondria, often referred to as the powerhouse of the cell, plays a crucial role in generating energy for the body. However, factors such as stress, poor diet, and environmental toxins can impair mitochondrial function, leading to decreased energy levels and overall fatigue. Mito2Max addresses this issue head-on with its proprietary blend of ingredients carefully selected to optimize mitochondrial health.

At the heart of Mito2Max's formula lies acetyl-L-carnitine, a compound essential for transporting fatty acids into the mitochondria, where they are converted into energy. By facilitating this process, acetyl-L-carnitine helps to fuel the body and enhance physical and mental performance. Coenzyme Q10, another key ingredient in Mito2Max, acts as a potent antioxidant and plays a vital role in the electron transport chain, the final stage of cellular energy production. Together, these ingredients work synergistically to support mitochondrial function and promote sustained energy levels throughout the day.

Moreover, Mito2Max incorporates Pyrroloquinoline Quinone (PQQ), a powerful coenzyme that further enhances its energy-boosting properties. PQQ plays a crucial role in mitochondrial biogenesis, the process by which new mitochondria are formed, thus supporting overall mitochondrial health and function. By promoting the growth of new mitochondria, PQQ contributes to enhanced energy production and improved cellular metabolism, providing a comprehensive solution for combating fatigue and promoting vitality.

With Mito2Max, you can bid farewell to sluggishness and embrace each day with renewed vigor and vitality. Whether you're tackling outdoor adventures in the summer heat or braving the cold winter months, Mito2Max equips you with the energy and stamina needed to make the most of every moment. Say hello to a life filled with boundless energy and vitality, no matter the season, with Mito2Max from the metaPWR System by your side.

Source of Antioxidants and cellular energy


Deep Blue Polyphenol Complex: Support for Joint and Muscle Comfort

As the seasons change, our activities may vary, but one thing remains constant: the potential for joint and muscle discomfort to disrupt our plans. Whether you're hiking under the summer sun or relaxing by the fireplace in winter, the last thing you want is to be sidelined by discomfort. That's where Deep Blue Polyphenol Complex comes in—a powerhouse supplement formulated to support joint health and soothe occasional discomfort, allowing you to stay active and vibrant all year round.

At the heart of Deep Blue Polyphenol Complex are powerful polyphenols sourced from green tea, grape seed, pomegranate, and other fruits. Polyphenols are potent antioxidants known for their ability to neutralize free radicals and reduce oxidative stress throughout the body. By combating oxidative damage, Deep Blue Polyphenol Complex helps to support the body's natural inflammatory response, thereby alleviating occasional discomfort and promoting overall joint comfort.

Green tea polyphenols, such as epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), possess anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce swelling and stiffness in joints. Grape seed extract is rich in proanthocyanidins, which have been shown to improve joint flexibility and mobility. Pomegranate extract contains punicalagins, powerful antioxidants that may help protect cartilage from degradation, preserving joint health and function.

By combining these potent polyphenols into a convenient daily supplement, Deep Blue Polyphenol Complex offers comprehensive support for joint comfort and mobility. Whether you're tackling outdoor adventures this spring or simply going about your daily activities, Deep Blue Polyphenol Complex helps ensure that joint and muscle discomfort won't hold you back. Don't let seasonal activities leave you feeling achy and restricted—reach for Deep Blue Polyphenol Complex and keep moving with ease, embracing life's adventures with vitality and freedom.

Deep Blue Polyphenol

Lavender Touch: Your Tranquil Oasis

In the midst of seasonal challenges, finding moments of calm and tranquility is essential for maintaining overall well-being. That's where Lavender Touch steps in—a soothing oasis in the whirlwind of seasonal stressors. Renowned for its gentle yet powerful properties, Lavender Touch offers a sanctuary of relaxation and balance, allowing you to navigate the ups and downs of each season with grace and ease.

At the heart of Lavender Touch lies Lavandula angustifolia, commonly known as true lavender. This beloved botanical has been cherished for centuries for its myriad therapeutic benefits, from its calming aroma to its skin-soothing properties. Lavender essential oil is rich in compounds like linalool and linalyl acetate, which impart its signature floral scent and contribute to its calming effects on the mind and body.

Applied topically in the form of Lavender Touch, this potent essential oil blend offers targeted relief wherever it's needed most. The convenient rollerball applicator allows for easy on-the-go and mess-free application to pulse points such as the temples, wrists, or back of the neck. With just a gentle swipe, Lavender Touch envelops you in a cocoon of tranquility, promoting feelings of peace and balance amidst the chaos of seasonal challenges.

During times of stress or seasonal sensitivities, Lavender Touch serves as a reliable companion, offering a moment of respite and rejuvenation. Whether you're feeling overwhelmed by seasonal symptoms or simply seeking a reprieve from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, Lavender Touch provides a gentle reminder to slow down, breathe deeply, and find your center.

Embrace the restorative power of Lavender Touch and make it an essential part of your seasonal wellness arsenal. With its calming and soothing properties, Lavender Touch is more than just an oil—it's a beacon of tranquility in a hectic world, guiding you towards a state of inner peace and balance, no matter what the season may bring.

Soothing comfort against skin irritations, seasonal threats, racing mind and tantrums

Lavender Touch

Elevate Your Seasonal Wellness with doTERRA

Navigating seasonal challenges is effortless with doTERRA's natural solutions. From respiratory and seasonal symptom support to joint comfort, stress relief to energy enhancement, our comprehensive product range equips you to thrive through every season.

Combat congestion and discomfort with Breathe essential oil, promoting easy breathing and vitality. TriEase softgels provide natural relief from seasonal threats, supporting clear breathing and a healthy inflammatory response.

Experience soothing relief with Copaiba softgels, promoting overall wellness and comfort by harnessing the power of Copaiba essential oil. Boost energy levels with Mito2Max, revitalizing cellular energy production for everyday vitality.

Keep moving with ease using Deep Blue Polyphenol Complex, soothing discomfort and supporting healthy joint function with potent polyphenols. And find tranquility in times of stress or sensitivity with Lavender Touch, promoting peace and balance when applied topically.

With doTERRA's pure and natural solutions, embrace each season with confidence, knowing you have everything you need to thrive. With doTERRA, you can be empowered you to live your best life, year-round!

Seasonal Relief Survival Kit